Terms that are useful for investors.
Asymetric Risk - Situations where risk and reward are grossly disproportionate.
âĒ Positive Asymmetric Risk is where the risk is known and the reward is potentially extreme.
âĒ Negative Asymmetric Risk is where the risk of loss is dramatic while the reward is uninspiring.
Antifragile - Possessing qualities of something that gets stronger the more it is attacked.
Appreciate - Increasing in value over time. Stocks and real estate often appreciate in value.
Black Swan Event: Something extreme that happened that was completely unexpected.
CAGR - Compound Annual Growth Rate
Depreciate - Decreasing in value over time. Automobiles and computers fall in value over time.
Deflation - Falling prices caused by a lack of demand or excessive supply.
EBITDA - Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization.
Inflation - Increasing prices potentially caused by a variety of factors.
Investment Thesis - "An investment thesis is a written document that recommends a new investment, based on research and analysis of its potential for profit."
LTV - Life Time Value. The total expected revenue from a customer for as long as the customer continues to use the company's products or services.
Paper Loss - An unrealized loss visible only on portfolio websites and account statements.
Realized Loss - A realized loss that is the result of an investment sold for less than it was purchased.
Risk - The potential for loss, whether temporary or permanent.
TA - Technical analysis. Evaluating past performance of assets using charts and other data to understand what happened in the past and what probable outcomes exist in the future.
Valuation - Ways in which the value of things, whether having a physical presence or not, are determined.
Volatility - The fluctuation of prices of assets over time.
YE[YYYY] - Year End with [YYYY] representing a four digit Year.
YOLO - You Only Live Once.
YOY - Year Over Year, used to show changes from last year to this year.
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